4 Essential Oils for Yeast and Mold Overgrowths
One thing that I absolutely LOVE is using “ancient healing principles backed by modern science”. Essential oils are a great example! Modern science completely validates the use of essential oils in many conditions, including yeast/fungal overgrowth, minimizing the need for potentially harmful medications or chemicals. These are God’s pharmaceuticals - derived from nature, used for 1000’s of years with great benefit and minimal side effects.
Fungus includes yeasts like Candida species and molds like Aspergillus, Pencilum, and Stachybotrys (black mold). Fungus can “colonize” in the dark, moist environments of the gut or sinuses and release toxins that can impact the brain and immune system, causing inflammation. Fungal overgrowth can cause a myriad of symptoms including fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, bloating, depression, pain, and much more. Our last email detailed some “fungus facts”, but this is one of the most common issues we see in our clinic - even in kids!
There are MANY MANY strategies that we employ to help someone overcome a high fungal burden, and one of these strategies is ESSENTIAL OILS. I personally use essential oils as a sinus rinse in a Neti Pot every single morning!
Dr. Taylor’s 4 Favorite Essential Oils for Fungal Burden
Tea Tree
Depending on the location of the problem (gut, sinus, bedroom, basement) these essential oils can be used topically, in a sinus rinse, nebulized, diffused, or taken orally. Often we try to do all of the above and just try to get them introduced to the environment where they can do their work!
Here are some studies that support the use of essential oils in killing fungus like Candida and breaking up “biofilms” that these fungi build to hide under.