Using Essential Oils
Have you ever walked through a garden or smelled an orange? If so you have experienced an essential oil. Essential oils are found in the bark, seeds, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. For centuries people have been using essential oils to help benefit their lives. There are two ways that essential oils are extracted. They are distilled or cold pressed. From perfumes and colognes, food preparations to personal health-care essential oils are seen in our everyday lives.
How do we use essential oils? There are three ways to use essential oils.
Aromatically: Involves smelling either a fine mist or an essential oil directly. When oils are inhaled you receive powerful mental, psychological and emotional responses. The easiest way to use an essential oil is to open a bottle and simply breathe in the aroma or place a drop in the hands, rub them together then cup them around the nose and mouth and breathe in. Oils can be placed on pieces of cloth or tissue and held close to the nose. Diffusing is great for killing airborne pathogens and helping with your mood. Diffusers are devices that evaporate essential oils into a room or space.
Lemon, Orange and Lavender are great to inhale when feeling emotionally down. Peppermint brings feelings of joy when used aromatically.
Topically: Our bodies love the oils and when applied directly are absorbed into the bloodstream. Moving throughout the body very quickly. Many essential oils are safe to use when applied NEAT (applied with no carrier oil; an oil used for dilution such as Fractionated Coconut Oil). If you ever asking yourself where do I apply this oils? The answer is your feet. When diluting oils this is a great rule of thumb. Babies 1 drop to 1 tablespoon carrier oil, Children 1 drop to 1 teaspoon carrier oil, Adults 3-6 drops to 1 teaspoon carrier oil.
Apply Lavender to your feet just before going to bed or add a couple drops to bath water to relax your body. Peppermint or Rosemary on the forehead and back of neck relieve headaches.
Internally: Dried herbs, teas and plants all contain essential oils but when essential oils are removed from plants they become very concentrated. Small amounts should be used when taken internally. You can apply essential under the tongue (1-2 drops), in tea, food, water even in gelatin cap. Before ingesting an oil make sure it is “Safe for Supplemental Use.” Check the “Supplemental Facts” label on an essential oil bottle to guide you in its use.
1-2 drops of Lemon added to your glass of drinking water aids in body detoxification. For digestive issues use Peppermint or a Digestion Blend.
Over the next weeks we are going to be learning about the top essential oils recommended for you and your family!
Article By: Lonni A. (Align Patient)